Description: My Asthma Diary is a helpful self-management tool developed by Lung Sask. Patients can use the asthma diary to record their information, symptoms, medication use, peak flow meter readings, and asthma triggers.
Access Instructions :
Downloadable PDF available here
Lung Sask
Patient Population:
Relevant Quality
Asthma Control, Asthma Medication, Self-Management Education and Asthma Action Plan
Decision Support Guidance
Who might use this tool?
- Patients
- Families and caregivers
- Although intended for patients and their caregivers, some health care providers use this tool in their practice.
When might they use this tool?
- When a patient is newly diagnosed
- When there has been a change in asthma medications
- When there has been a change in environment
- When patients are unsure of their asthma triggers
- When patients are unsure of their level of asthma control
Why might they use this tool?
- To help track asthma symptoms, determine triggers and to recognize asthma control
What are important considerations when using this tool?
- This tool provides space for the patient to record their symptoms, but this is subjective to the patient
- It is optimal for this tool to be used consitently and properly
LHF has developed the Tool descriptions and Decision Support Guidance with support from Tool authors, and a team of clinical- and research-based experts. If you would like to submit proposed revisions to a Tool, please reach out to us via the “Connect With Us” banner on the Toolkit homepage.