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Downloadable package to be integrated with EMRs available through registration on AsthmaLife

Description: The eAPI is an electronic version of Dr. Teresa To’s 2010 Primary Care Asthma Performance Indicators (PC-API©) that auto-populates patient asthma performance data from the Airways Management and Outcomes Monitoring System (AMOMS) and from the Provider Asthma Assessment Form used in OSCAR at Queen’s Family Health Team. The tool seamlessly links to AsthmaLife® and has electronic data collection and reporting capabilities.

Owner/Author: Dr. M. D. Lougheed and the Asthma Research Unit, Kingston Health Science Center at Queen's University
Year: 2015
Patient Population: Adult
Format: EMR integrated software tool
Relevant Quality Statement: Asthma Control

Decision Support Guidance

Who might use this tool?

  • Respiratory Specialists
  • Certified Respiratory Educators
  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioenrs

When might they use this tool?

  • When tracking individual patient indicators such as diagnosis, asthma control and health care use
  • When tracking the reporting of each indicator by individual care providers or entire sites

Why might they use this tool?

  • To make the process of assessing patients more efficient and accurate (i.e., the system auto-populates Primary Care Asthma Performance Indicators (e-API©) from AMOMS and the OSCAR Asthma Assessment Form)
  • To access reports generated on AsthmaLife for indicator tracking
  • For quality improvement and continued surveillance of asthma management practices (i.e., the indicators in the tool are validated, effective markers for tracking asthma management in patients at both individual visits and over time)

What are important considerations when using this tool?

  • The e-API reporting system has its indicators integrated into the AMOMS and OSCAR EMRs, with seamless links to both, as well as to ARGI
  • The indicators must be reported within the EMRs and not on paper charts in order to effectively generate reports

LHF has developed the Tool descriptions and Decision Support Guidance with support from Tool authors, and a team of clinical- and research-based experts. If you would like to submit proposed revisions to a Tool, please reach out to us via the “Connect With Us” banner on the Toolkit homepage.