Description: Let’s Clear the Air is a clinician handout on why lung function testing is essential when suspecting asthma or COPD among patients.
Decision Support Guidance
Who might use this tool?
- Family Physicians
- Primary Care Practitioners
- Pediatricians
When might they use this tool?
- When assessing a patient for asthma or COPD
- When sending or considering sending a patient for lung function testing
Why might they use this tool?
- To learn about the importance of lung function testing
- To overcome barriers to using lung function testing
What are important considerations when using this tool?
- This tool aims to encourage thoughtful conversations between clinicians and patients who have received a diagnosis of asthma or COPD
LHF has developed the Tool descriptions and Decision Support Guidance with support from Tool authors, and a team of clinical- and research-based experts. If you would like to submit proposed revisions to a Tool, please reach out to us via the “Connect With Us” banner on the Toolkit homepage.