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Pan-Canadian Asthma and COPD Standards (PRESTINE)

Description: The Pan-Canadian Asthma and COPD Standards are an evidence-based set of recommended data elements and standardized data definitions for use in primary care electronic health records/electronic medical records in Canada.

Let's Clear the Air

Description: Let’s Clear the Air is a clinician handout on why lung function testing is essential when suspecting asthma or COPD among patients.

CoP Sustainable Inhaler Initiative

Description: The CoP Sustainable Inhaler Initiative is a project that helps make providers more aware of the climate impact of inhalers and supports sustainable prescription of inhalers. This initiative offers a variety of resources that encourage suitable prescribing practices for inhalers, encourage environmentally preferable alternatives to MDIs, facilitate appropriate inhaler technique, and practice sustainable recovery and recycling of inhalers.

Choosing Wisely Spirometry Campaign Assets

Description: The Choosing Wisely Spirometry Campaign has produced multiple assets or resources or self-management of asthma. It includes a patient pamphlet on asthma, a patient pamphlet on COPD, and informative resources on lung function testing. All tools are available in English and French.