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Description: An online educational and practical resource for clinicians caring for people with severe asthma. The toolkit is designed for clinicians in primary and specialist care, in both private and public clinic settings. It covers the following topics: What is severe asthma; Diagnosis and Assessment; Management; Medications; Co-Morbidities; Living with Severe Asthma; Establishing a Clinic; and Paediatrics.

Owner/Author: Centre of Excellence in Severe Asthma
Year: 2022
Patient Population: Pediatric, Adult
Format: Website
Relevant Quality Statement: Quality Improvement Resources

Decision Support Guidance

Who might use this tool?

  • Clinicians in primary and specialist care, in both private and public clinic settings

When might they use this tool?

  • When seeking out resources to futher education on severe asthma
  • When caring for a patient with severe asthma

Why might they use this tool?

  • To help clinicians provide optimal care for people with severe asthma

What are important considerations when using this tool?

  • This tool was initiated and overseen by the Centre of Excellence in Severe Asthma, which is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

LHF has developed the Tool descriptions and Decision Support Guidance with support from Tool authors, and a team of clinical- and research-based experts. If you would like to submit proposed revisions to a Tool, please reach out to us via the “Connect With Us” banner on the Toolkit homepage.