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Severe Asthma Toolkit

Description: An online educational and practical resource for clinicians caring for people with severe asthma. The toolkit is designed for clinicians in primary and specialist care, in both private and public clinic settings. It covers the following topics: What is severe asthma; Diagnosis and Assessment; Management; Medications; Co-Morbidities; Living with Severe Asthma; Establishing a Clinic; and Paediatrics.

Provider Asthma Assessment Form (PAAF)

Description: The Provider Asthma Assessment Form (PAAF) is a point of care asthma management tool for primary care EMRs. It is adapted from the LHF asthma care map and includes the PRESTINE asthma data elements, asthma performance indicators, and an algorithm to identify severe uncontrolled asthma. To date, it is implemented in OSCAR at the Queen’s Family Health Team.

Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measure (PRAM) for Asthma Exacerbation Severity

Description: The Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measure is a medical calculator to determine asthma exacerbation severity. It assesses factors such as oxygen saturation, suprasternal retractions, scalene muscle contractions, air entry, and wheezing.

Modified Asthma Predictive Index (mAPI)

Description: The Modified Asthma Predictive Index is an assessment tool that predicts future atopic asthma in pediatric patients with recurrent wheezing. It is only applicable in young children with four or more episodes of wheezing per year. The mAPI’s predictive ability depends heavily on prevalence of asthma in the general population.

Mild Asthma Decision Aid (Patients and Care Providers)

Description: The Mild Asthma Decision Aid is a tool designed to engage patients with asthma and their care providers in discussions about current asthma treatment options. The tool helps them to reach a shared decision on treatment that is based on scientific evidence and each individual patient’s goals and preferences.

Let's Clear the Air

Description: Let’s Clear the Air is a clinician handout on why lung function testing is essential when suspecting asthma or COPD among patients.

Inhaler Resources

Description: This suite of resources was produced by Lung Sask to provide information and education on inhaler use for patients, across a range of devices.

How to Properly Use an Inhaler

Description: This online tool provides a collection of videos that teach users how to use inhalers/puffers properly. Videos are available in English and French and are developed for adults and children.

Decision Tree: Occupational Asthma

Description: The Decision Tree: Occupational Asthma tool is intended for use by clinicians in the evaluation and management of work-related asthma.

Decision Tree: Acute Pediatric Asthma

Description: The Decision Tree: Acute Pediatric Asthma tool is a decision aid intended for emergency department management of acute asthma. It provides best practice recommendations for mild, moderate, and severe asthma.