Quality Statement:
Individuals with asthma and their caregivers should receive self-management education and a personalized Asthma Action Plan that is reviewed regularly with a healthcare professional.
Please see Ontario Health’s Quality Statement on Self-Management Education and Asthma Action Plan
LHF Tools:
Description: The Adult Asthma Action Plan (16+ years) is an e-fillable self-management tool where patients can develop their own asthma action plan, in consultation with their healthcare provider. It also offers recommendations for how patients can get the most out of their visits with their healthcare providers.
Description: The Asthma Action Plan Yellow Zone Formulation Guide advises clinicians on the adjustment of inhaled controller therapy of asthma in the Yellow Zone, for ages 16 years and older.
Access Instructions: In progress
Description: The Asthma Action Plan Yellow Zone Formulation Table is a tool developed for adults ages 16 years and older. It provides clinicians with best practice recommendations for how to adjust medication when a patient is experiencing worsening asthma.
External Tools:
Description: The Choosing Wisely Spirometry Campaign has produced multiple assets or resources or self-management of asthma. It includes a patient pamphlet on asthma, a patient pamphlet on COPD, and informative resources on lung function testing. All tools are available in English and French.
Description: The CoP Sustainable Inhaler Initiative is a project that helps make providers more aware of the climate impact of inhalers and supports sustainable prescription of inhalers. This initiative offers a variety of resources that encourage suitable prescribing practices for inhalers, encourage environmentally preferable alternatives to MDIs, facilitate appropriate inhaler technique, and practice sustainable recovery and recycling of inhalers.
Description: An educational resource that provides patients with information on how to use and care for their inhaler. It provides information to assess asthma factors, the relationship of asthma to work, occupational asthma, and work-exacerbated asthma.
Description: The Global Initiative for Asthma Patient Guide is an information guide for asthma patients and their families. It focuses on achieving asthma control and I available in English, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.
Description: The eAMS engages patients with asthma to complete a pre-visit questionnaire through a web portal or app and processes this information to give providers guideline-based advice to optimize therapy, personalized to each individual patient, through easy-to-use prompts built into their electronic medical record system. The eAMS also creates a self-management asthma action plan, which patients can access through their app or web portal anytime, anywhere. This empowers patients to self-manage their asthma, improving their symptoms and helping them to avoid asthma flare-ups and urgent healthcare visits.
Description: The Asthma Action Plan for Children Age 1-5 is a downloadable resource intended for caregivers of children with asthma. It provides best practice recommendations for asthma management, including goal planning, understanding triggers, and using devices such as inhalers.
Description: The Asthma Action Plan for Children Age 6-18 is a downloadable resource intended for youth with asthma. It provides best practice recommendations for asthma management, including goal planning, understanding triggers, and using devices such as inhalers.
Description: The Children’s Asthma Action Plan tool is a pediatric asthma self-management tool. The pamphlet asks questions about asthma medication, management, and control so that patients can identify when their asthma may be flaring up and manage their asthma when it gets out of control.